Stability: This is the first stable release of extension.
Supported releases: This extension is tested and working great on Magento Community Edition 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x and 2.4.x successfully.
Support Information: For any help related to this extension email us at:
Magento 2 SiteMaintenance : Magento 2 SiteMaintenance extension helps you notify customers that your site is currently under maintenance or upgradation, and prepare for upcoming products/ services. Thanks to SiteMaintenance module, store visitors are well informed about maintenance progress as well as the launch date with comfort.
Once you have purchased & downloaded our extension follow below steps to Install the extension. The easiest way to install a Magento 2 extension is using SFTP or FTP. To do this, first download our Site Maintenance M2 module and follow the below steps:
To Note: If you face any error during this process then please either share the screenshots or share credentials of your store at our email id and will help you install the extension properly.